Terms & Conditions
For Online Payment
- For classes Registration and Payment must be made one day prior to commencement of your practice.
- The payment can be used for that month only. No refunds can be given for missed classes.
- To book a room with us you need to reserve and make online payment well in advance to have your room secured (if you fail to appear it’s not refundable nor transferable)
For Classes
- No class on Saturdays, full and new moon days
- Classes will start on time. You are not allowed in the yoga room once class has started
- Teachers conducting classes in Mysore are not allowed to practice at Sthalam8 and Student who practice at Sthalam8 who also teach locally are not allowed to continue in the shala
- When we teach in the class we teach carefully and safely, while you are you are practicing in our shala best not to go for any other class, just in case if something happens, we won’t be responsible for that, because you could get injured from other class and start to feel in our class will cause the confusion,
- Every room will be given neatly, we wish students to keep it like that, if you damage anything in the room you will be paying for it
- During menstruation, ladies take 3 days holiday from the class
- In case of illness or injury, please inform the teacher or manager
- The class schedule may undergo some modifications. The teacher will do his best to accommodate the student’s needs
- Please be respectful of the other practitioners
- Maintain silence in the yoga room before, during and after class.
- Your questions will be answered outside after the class
- Stick to the traditional Ashtanga Vinyasa practice as taught at Sthalam® as variations disrupt other students
- If the student’s behavior is inappropriate and does not comply with Sthalam 8’s rules and regulations, the Teacher reserves the right to dismiss student without any repayment
- Bring your own mat and towel
- You can change and leave your clothes in the dressing room
- Remove all your jewellery and refrain from wearing perfumes